Monday, November 24, 2008


if you guys read today newspaper,The Star 24th November, the Islamic council of Perak has officially declared that yoga is haram in islamic perspective. This is become a very hot issue since many of people in klang valley(which is highest residency in Malaysia) are practicing this kind of exercise.

Let us recall back what dr shaikh told us last week.In islamic perspective,he said that that thing will not bring you any peace,but somehow will deviate our iman,which is believe that Yoga will bring peace,but not Lord(i mean here the technique is very affective and somehow can leads to level of peace that we want).If we watch any western movies they always emphasize that this bring you peace.but watch out guys,it can(in a way) deviate our tauhid towards Lord.

In my small view, i think that Yoga should not be practiced at all. Why we need other exercises to do,because we already have one which is solat.Thus to make our self becomes more healthier today,let us perform solat more than yesterday!



Faizal R said...

yg jadi hot sebab org yg bercakap mengenainya ialah org yg x faham ajaran islam. kalau x de fatwa ni pun org islam sepatut dah tau benda2 yg boleh membawa murtad/syirik.

sharif ahmad said...

sokong2..majid d best:)

Faizal R said...

masjid mana pulak??

M@jiD said...

faizal:semua betul... kite cube membetulkan nya... orang nampak mende 2 dr luaran.bukan dalamannya...

abu 'iffah said...

congrats for your respond on our ummahtic issues nowadays.. =)